Personality List

    Delia Surridge Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Delia Surridge? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Delia Surridge from V For Vendetta 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Delia Surridge

    INFJ (5w6)

    Delia Surridge personality type is INFJ, which is one of the rarest personality types on the planet.

    She is a young woman who has been described as “quietly intense” and “thoughtful.”

    She writes poetry, which is her passion, and also works as a full-time copywriter. She can be found at a local coffee shop a few days a week, where she gets a chance to meet people and learn all sorts of things.

    She is a very private person, who doesn’t have many close friends. She does have a small group of friends who have been with her for a long time, but they are not close friends.

    With this in mind, it is clear that her personality type is one that is often misunderstood. She is also very intuitive in nature, which makes it difficult for her to express exactly how she feels to people.

    She has a very strong grasp on reality in general, and she simply knows when something is wrong or needs to be changed. She is also extremely passionate, and she has a very deep love for writing.

    She has described her personality type as being “a quiet, understated presence.”

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