Personality List

    Dominic Stone Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dominic Stone? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dominic Stone from V For Vendetta 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Dominic Stone

    INFJ (5w6)

    Dominic Stone personality type is INFJ, which is the rarest personality type in the world. A quick Google search on INFJ personality type will also tell you that INFJ is the rarest personality. INFJs are so rare that even the self-help books do not discuss them in any great detail.

    It is for this reason that INFJs are often misunderstood. When they are misunderstood, they are often made fun of. I have gotten many looks of confusion when I tell people that I am an INFJ, because people simply cannot wrap their heads around the fact that there are so few of them in the world. "You are just too much," they say, as though it is a bad thing.

    But it isn't. INFJs are merely misunderstood. They are just as rare as they are misunderstood.

    And that's the first thing I want to talk about today: Just how rare we INFJs are.

    The INFJ Personality Type and the Ni Function

    I am an INFJ and I know lots of other INFJs. But what does it mean to be an INFJ? And how rare is it?

    To start with, let's talk about the infp and intj personality types for a moment.

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