Personality List

    Krill/Dark Dragon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Krill/Dark Dragon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Krill/Dark Dragon from Sky Children Of The Light and what is the personality traits.

    Krill/Dark Dragon

    INTP (8w9)

    Krill/Dark Dragon personality type is INFP, but that doesn't mean they are weak-willed or indecisive. Quite the opposite, in fact: these Dragon personalities are extremely independent, with an often-impeccable moral compass, and an introverted and rational frame of mind that tends to make them appear more intelligent than they are. This is a personality type that is very analytical, but also very honest, and very deep. Most INFPs are introspective and philosophical, and can often be found sitting alone in their rooms, but it's not because they don't have any friends; they simply need to think things through and work out the details in their heads before they can be truly understood.

    The INFP personality type is not just reserved for Dragon personality types, however. Virgo's deep analysis and inner workings can often lead to the same type of introspective and analytical mind, but with a more practical application. INFPs are curious, and tend to want to understand everything they can about the world around them. Once they do, they tend to see things through a more practical or scientific lens, and sometimes even seek out careers in fields in which they can put their analytical skills to good use.

    INFP Personality Traits

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