What is the personality type of Christ Figure? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Christ Figure from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.
Christ Figure personality type is INFJ, valued at 5% of the population, and there are far fewer women in this personality type than men.
The Myers-Briggs indicator for this personality type is Socionics, which was developed by a team of Russian psychologists led by Lev Vygotsky.
The Socionics indicator is a bit different from the Myers-Briggs indicator, but both can be used to make a typology.
In the Socionics indicator system the INFJ becomes an INFJ-4 from their MBTI type. In the Myers-Briggs indicator system this would make them a MBTI “E” type, which would probably make more sense for this personality type.
Myers-Briggs Infj Personality Type in 8 Characteristics
INFJ Socionics Personality Type
The INFJ in Socionics is a Feeling type with a strong introverted intuition.
This is in sharp contrast with the Myers-Briggs INFJ personality type, which is an introverted thinking type.
This difference is mostly due to the feeling/intuition dichotomy, rather than the thinking/feeling dichotomy.
Someone who dies a martyr only to rise from the dead to fight evil, as in the story of Jesus. The similarity may be intentional or not.