Personality List

    Mean Girl Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mean Girl? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mean Girl from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Mean Girl

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Mean Girl personality type is ESTJ, which is one of the 4 official Myers-Briggs types.

    The Mean Girl personality type is one of the four official Myers-Briggs typology types, according to psychologist David Keirsey. It is also sometimes referred to as the Blaming type.

    Who Are the Mean Girls?

    Think about your own life for a moment. Do you have a mean girl or boy in your life? If you do, you don't have to be alone. There are some mean girls out there that you can learn from. These are the people that will always be mean to you no matter how many times you're nice to them. The following are some behaviors that are consistent with the Mean Girl personality type.

    Isolates You from Your Friends Often, she will keep you away from your friends by making fun of you behind your back, by excluding you from social events, or by making fun of you in front of your friends. She will not let you have any friends of your own, and will make sure that everyone knows that you are too dumb or too ugly to have any friends. She may also make up stories about why your friends hate you.

    An attractive teenage girl who has high status at her school, but is often mean to less popular and less good-looking or lower-status girls.

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