Personality List

    Protagonist Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Protagonist? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Protagonist from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (7w6)

    Protagonist personality type is ENFJ, and the protagonist is a more mature and emotionally aware version of the INFJ.

    The protagonist is more collaborative and less judgmental than the more idealistic and idealizing INFJ. INFJs seek to understand the emotions of those around them, and as such, they can sometimes come off as too sensitive. INFJs tend to be more intuitive and less action-oriented than the more action-oriented ENFJs. The protagonist's main goal is to build a harmonious society that respects human rights, equality, and the needs of the individual.

    The protagonist is often presented as a leader, but will often defer to others for advice. The protagonist is loyal, honest, and hard-working, but may tend to be too trusting or gullible at times. The protagonist is usually open to new ideas and might be motivated by a desire for fame or recognition.

    There are many different ways to express your type

    You can describe your type in different ways. These are just some examples.

    I know I'm an INFJ because I'm friendly, quiet, and reserved. I'm also very sensitive, compassionate, and committed to making the world a better place for everyone. I enjoy reading about psychology.

    The typical protagonist of movies who care about their friends and would do anything for them

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