Personality List

    Sang-Woo’s Mother Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sang-Woo’s Mother? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sang-Woo’s Mother from Squid Game 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    Sang-Woo’s Mother

    ESFJ (2w1)

    Sang-Woo’s Mother personality type is ESFJ, which stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging, and if you are an INTP, you would be an ISFJ, which stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging.

    Top 6 Hidden INTP Strengths

    1. Analytical Skills

    INTPs are excellent at finding weaknesses in any situation and they are good at seeing the flaws in any idea or project. INTPs are driven to understand. They are excellent at analyzing and thinking about any situation in order to come up with the best solution. INTPs are driven to understand how things work. They are great at using their logic to solve problems and come up with the best solutions. They are very good at avoiding unnecessary risks and on improving their skills on various fields. INTPs can be very logical and analytical when they want to be and they love figuring out things on their own.

    2. Great at Connecting Through Ideas

    INTPs love thinking of new ideas and new ways of doing things. They love trying new things and they enjoy exploring a new topic or a new area of interest.

    Cho Sang-Woo’s mother who now takes care of Kang Cheol.

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