Personality List

    Blackheart Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Blackheart? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Blackheart from Marvel Comics and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (5w4)

    Blackheart personality type is ENTJ, but the dark side can be seen in others too.

    You might be quite a formidable person in many areas of life, but you struggle to maintain your composure, which can be quite embarrassing sometimes. Feelings of hurt, anger, or rejection can creep up on you without warning and make you lash out. You are like a bull in a china shop, and people tend to get hurt as a result.

    You are a very successful person, but there are times when you feel afraid to face the world because you’re unsure how people will react to you.

    You may have had a difficult childhood and adolescence, which caused you to develop a deep-seated fear of being rejected by others. You care deeply about others, and you want them to be happy, but it is so hard to let go of past hurts.

    These feelings can be heightened when you’re around people who have similar traits as you do. For example, you may have children who are also dark and sad.

    Your life is full of ups and downs; you are commonly seen to be adaptable and flexible. You are very goal-oriented and determined to achieve success.

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