Personality List

    Kamala Khan "Ms. Marvel" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kamala Khan "Ms. Marvel"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kamala Khan "Ms. Marvel" from Marvel Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Kamala Khan "Ms. Marvel"

    ENFP (7w6)

    Kamala Khan "Ms. Marvel" personality type is ENFP, see below. The character embodies the following characteristics:

    Kamala Khan is a young, Pakistani-American Muslim girl . She was raised by her parents in New Jersey, but after their deaths in a car accident, she becomes the next Ms. Marvel. Kamala's personality is based on the ENFP personality type.

    ENFPs are great at getting along with people, and making friends. The ENFP personality type is one of the most outgoing and friendly in the MBTI world. ENFPs tend to be curious, and they like to connect with other people. They enjoy learning about new things, and they enjoy people who are willing to help them learn about new things. ENFPs can also be great at getting their ideas out into the world, but they may not be sure about how to go about doing this in a way that will be effective. They may be worried that they are not good at making plans, or that their plans will fail.

    Often, people think that ENFPs are dreamers or daydreamers. They are interested in new experiences, and they are often more interested in thinking of ideas than actually working to make those ideas happen.

    Kamala is a nice kid with an ordinary life, but who has trouble fitting in and always feels a smidgen off-kilter.

    She sincerely loves her family, but also feels some resentment about her culture and religion always making her different, and getting in the way of her being one of the cool kids.

    As a consequence, most of her preferred activities are online, where she can be pseudonymous as a gamer and fanfic writer.

    She doesn’t have many friends IRL. And there’s no Pakistani-American community in her corner of Jersey. She’s proud of being a Jersey girl, though.

    With her education, Kamala has a strong moral core and sees helping people as a super-heroine as an almost holy mission. She’s reluctant to use genuine violence, even against animals, and will do anything she can to save all lives. Her people skills are all over the place, since she’s at once somewhat shy and spontaneous.

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