Personality List

    Alberto ''Holiday'' Falcone Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alberto ''Holiday'' Falcone? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alberto ''Holiday'' Falcone from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Alberto ''Holiday'' Falcone

    INTJ (6w5)

    Alberto ''Holiday'' Falcone personality type is INTJ, with the following cards:

    Narcissism - 3 of Cups

    - 3 of Cups Modernism - 4 of Swords

    - 4 of Swords Narcissistic - 5 of Discs

    - 5 of Discs Conformism - 7 of Coins

    - 7 of Coins Pluralism - 8 of Rings

    - 8 of Rings Introversion - 10 of Pentacles

    - 10 of Pentacles Telepathy - Aces

    - Aces Sensuality - 9 of Cups

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    Alberto Falcone, aka Holiday or the Holiday Killer is a fictional character serving as the main antagonist in the Batman story The Long Halloween. He is the son of the mafia boss Carmine Falcone.

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