Personality List

    Bane Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bane? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bane from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (8w7)

    Bane personality type is ISTP, the only one of the sixteen types that is not from the same sector as the type from which it originates. This means that ISTPs are the only type not included in a sector. In this case, the ISTP sector is the "S" sector. The ISTP type is rare because it is a fairly rare type in the general populace, and even among other types ISTPs are fairly rare.

    ISTPs do not usually have a very good "people" score, and it is a common misconception that ISTPs are antisocial. In fact, ISTPs are often very friendly and social, and can often make friends easily.

    ISTPs are often very quiet, although they do have a tendency to make sudden outbursts of emotion when they are under stress or when they are discussing a subject that they feel strongly about.

    ISTPs are generally fairly easy going, and they generally try to solve problems in a straightforward manner. They are not very good at brainstorming or at generating ideas, but they do tend to be good at making decisions in a sudden crisis situation.

    ISTPs are fairly logical, in the sense that they tend to think in a straightforward manner.

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