Personality List

    Bao Pham "Clownhunter" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bao Pham "Clownhunter"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bao Pham "Clownhunter" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Bao Pham "Clownhunter"

    ISTJ (5w4)

    Bao Pham "Clownhunter" personality type is ISTJ, which means he is a "safe-cracker" who is good at finding solutions to problems and trouble. ISTJs are the most common type in the world, and also the most common among Asian-Americans.

    The ISTJ is known for being a responsible and logical person, who stays organized and goes about their daily lives with a sense of purpose. ISTJs have a strong sense of duty and pride, and are generally loyal to those they know and care about. They are not interested in being famous, and they prefer to keep their lives simple and quiet.

    Estimated percentage of Asians who are ISTJ:

    1 in 4 Asian Americans are ISTJ

    ISTJ personality type statistics by country:

    Percentage of ISTJs in the USA:

    In the United States, about a fifth of the population (20 percent) are ISTJs, which is much higher than the average for all personality types. They make up about 8 percent of the world's population, which is also quite high.

    ISTJ personality type statistics by country:

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