Personality List

    Bruce Wayne "Robin King" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bruce Wayne "Robin King"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bruce Wayne "Robin King" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Bruce Wayne "Robin King"

    ENTP (8w7)

    Bruce Wayne "Robin King" personality type is ENTP, the "Robin Hood" personality type is ENTJ.

    Both characters are criminal types, but in different ways. Batman is more of an anti-hero, because he uses his superpowers for crime fighting. Robin Hood is more of a traditional criminal, because he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Robin Hood is more of an anti-hero, because he uses his superpowers for crime fighting. Batman is more of an anti-hero, because he uses his superpowers for crime fighting.

    Batman is more like Alfred, Robin Hood is more like Maid Marian.

    Both characters are in love with their respective love interests (Catwoman in Batman's case; Marian in Robin Hood's).

    Both Robin Hood and Batman are based on legendary figures, Robin Hood based on Robin Hood (who was a real person), Batman based on the mythological character of Batman (who was not a real person).

    Both Robin Hood and Batman were later adapted into comic books. Batman by Bob Kane and Dick Sprang. Robin Hood was adapted into a comic book by Arnold Drake and Dick Sprang.

    The Robin King is a homicidal young Bruce Wayne from the Dark Multiverse serving the Batman Who Laughs.

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