Personality List

    Dane "Nevermore" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dane "Nevermore"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dane "Nevermore" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Dane "Nevermore"

    ENFP (7w6)

    Dane "Nevermore" personality type is ENFP, which means that they fall into the extroverted intuition, sensing, feeling, and perceiving quadrants. ENFPs make up around 10% of the population in the United States, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

    While not everyone with an ENFP personality type is an "Enigmatic" like Dane, it's still worth noting that nearly everyone who is an ENFP is not the same. If you're looking for one example of this, look no further than the character of Gordon on the cartoon show Adventure Time. Gordon is not an ENFP or an ENTP, but he does possess an ENFP personality type when it comes to his way of expressing himself.

    Gordon is definitely an ENFP, but he is also an EXTJ, which means he is profoundly introverted, extraverted, intuitive, thinking, judging, and perceiving. He has a definite preference for his introverted side, which means he is more likely than most people to be emotionally reserved and less likely to blurt out his feelings. This doesn't mean he's quiet or reserved, just that he's more comfortable expressing himself when he's alone than in public.

    Dane is Raven's star pupil at the Roy Harper Titans Academy.

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