Personality List

    Dark Knight Returns Joker Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dark Knight Returns Joker? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dark Knight Returns Joker from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Dark Knight Returns Joker

    ENTP (5w4)

    Dark Knight Returns Joker personality type is ENTP, straight out of the book.

    American werewolf.

    For years, the Joker has been the single most recognizable villain in Batman’s world, and an iconic figure who can be said to have defined the character. The Joker’s complicated nature is the result of both his parents being criminals, his upbringing by a couple of criminals, his attempts at rehabilitation, and the various psychological issues that have plagued him throughout his life. As Batman’s arch-nemesis, he is one of the only villains who is not only more than capable of being a hero, but also capable of being a hero himself.

    The Joker is fundamentally different from most villains in that he is not a super-powered individual. He is a grasshopper with a bad haircut, a bad attitude, and a crazy laugh that has been described as “laughter with a body count.

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