Personality List

    Prometheus Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Prometheus? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Prometheus from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (1w9)

    Prometheus personality type is INTJ, as is Asimov (the other guy on this list). Both of them are known as the “thinkers”, and both of them are known for being very intelligent. Asimov was known as the “Father of Science Fiction” and he was a brilliant writer and thinker. Prometheus was known as the “Forefather of Science Fiction” and he was a brilliant thinker and writer. The two epitome of intelligence and intelligence.

    I think that the main reason why people tend to think that Prometheus was a scientist of some sort is because he was portrayed as one in the film, and not only that, but he was always depicted as a scientist in the various forms of media that he appeared in. And he was also portrayed as a scientist in the DC comic book, where he was known as “The Man of Steel”. And he was a scientist in the DC comic book, where he was known as “The Man of Steel”. So I think that a lot of people think that he was a scientist because of this. So I think that a lot of people think that he was a scientist because of this.

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