Personality List

    Rita Farr "Elasti-Girl" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rita Farr "Elasti-Girl"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rita Farr "Elasti-Girl" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Rita Farr "Elasti-Girl"

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Rita Farr "Elasti-Girl" personality type is ESFJ, but she also has some ISFJ traits as well. ISFJs are the most 'loyal' and 'dutiful' of the types. They are fair, diligent, and take their responsibilities very seriously. But they also have a tendency to be over-protective, and they can be fairly rigid and inflexible (especially in their thinking). ISFJs are very loyal to their families, especially to their parents, and they often serve as a sounding board for the more judgmental types. They also tend to be extremely helpful towards friends and other 'members of their tribe', and they are usually very kind, considerate, and hard-working. ISFJs are also likely to be very sensitive and 'soulful' people (this is not actually a personality type trait, but an aspect of their personality). ISFJs are very likely to be the 'mother' in their relationships, providing emotional support and tending to others' needs. They are often very compassionate. There are a few ISFJs who are more 'outgoing' and 'lively' individuals, probably because they have more of an ESFJ or ENTJ influence in them.

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