Personality List

    Spider Jerusalem Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Spider Jerusalem? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Spider Jerusalem from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Spider Jerusalem

    ENFP (8w7)

    Spider Jerusalem personality type is ENFP, the only one of the four Myers-Briggs four-letter personality types that is in the “entrepreneurial” category. This means that ENFPs are typically artists and dreamers, and can be great creators and innovators. At their best, ENFPs are creative, fun and free-spirited. But they can also be indecisive and unbalanced, because they often miss the big picture.

    Jung himself saw the ENFP as a person with both introverted and extraverted traits, which would mean that these qualities are present in the same person. Jung himself, however, thought that extraversion was the primary trait for ENFPs, but that they have an introverted component that leads them to be more reserved.

    What is Extraversion?

    Extraverted individuals are energized by being around other people. They are often very outgoing, very social, and very communicative. If you are more extraverted than introverted you will more likely be an ENFP. If you are introverted you will more likely be an INFP.

    What is Introversion?

    Introverts are energized being inside their heads.

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