Personality List

    Stephanie Brown "Spoiler"/"Batgirl" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Stephanie Brown "Spoiler"/"Batgirl"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Stephanie Brown "Spoiler"/"Batgirl" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Stephanie Brown "Spoiler"/"Batgirl"

    ENFP (2w3)

    Stephanie Brown "Spoiler"/"Batgirl" personality type is ENFP, so she would be an ENFP "Reader." It's not often that we get to see an ENFP protagonist who ages up to adulthood within a few years of the start of a comic, but "Batgirl" has been a rare exception.

    Since she's a lot more introverted at the beginning of the book, her ENFP-type "Reader" status brings out the best of Stephanie Brown. She's a lot more connected to her emotions and seems unsure of herself at first, but as she comes into her own as an adult, her heightened awareness of her emotions and her darker, angrier side tend to take over more often. Stephanie has always been a bit of a damsel in distress, though she's never been quite as much of one as she's been in the past.

    Having a character who's a "Reader" can also be a bit frustrating for an author, because it can be hard to know how to build her up as a character. I've found that if you have a protagonist who has a "Reader" character as a sidekick, it's best to have the "Reader" character be fairly minor.

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