Personality List

    Assertive Adventurer (ISFP-A) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Assertive Adventurer (ISFP-A)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Assertive Adventurer (ISFP-A) from 16 Personalities and what is the personality traits.

    Assertive Adventurer (ISFP-A)

    ISFP (9w8)

    Assertive Adventurer (ISFP-A) personality type is ISFP, not ESFJ. And while it’s true that ISFPs are more likely to be introverted, there’s a whole lot of other types that fit more neatly into the extroverted side of the whole extroverted/introverted spectrum.

    For one, ISTJs are introverted, and they do not use introversion as a compensatory function. ISTJs don’t use their introversion as a mechanism to escape being with people. Instead, they use it as a way to manage their energy and focus (and therefore their attention and focus) in order to accomplish their goals efficiently.

    In other words, ISFPs use introversion as a way to become more ‘hard’ or ‘strong’. They can do this because they have an extraverted tertiary function in their personality structure, which gives them a strong focus on their goal, and allows them to bring their extraverted nature (their dominant function) to bear on accomplishing it.

    When an ISFP stops working towards her goal, she stops getting things done.

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