Personality List

    Assertive Consul (ESFJ-A) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Assertive Consul (ESFJ-A)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Assertive Consul (ESFJ-A) from 16 Personalities and what is the personality traits.

    Assertive Consul (ESFJ-A)

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Assertive Consul (ESFJ-A) personality type is ESFJ, so that’s an indicator of how the ESFJ will respond to this particular situation. To recap, the ESFJs are the most warm and caring of the 16 types, they take a lot of pride in their work and their family, and they are loyal beyond belief.

    The ESFJ’s are the most submissive of the 16 personality types, so she will go along with this request, because she knows it’s the right thing to do. However, she will also feel bad about leaving her family for a month, as she is very close to her family.

    The ESFJ’s are the most caregiving of the 16 personality types, so she will be very “touchy feely” with her daughter, and will tell her how much she cares about her. The ESFJ’s are very loyal to those closest to them, and will make a big deal about leaving for a month, to make up for leaving her family.

    In Summary

    The ESFJ’s are very warm and nurturing people, who focus on others and their needs, rather than their own.

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