Personality List

    Yu Ishigami Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yu Ishigami? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yu Ishigami from Kaguya Sama Wa Kokurasetai Tensai Tachi No Renai Zunousen and what is the personality traits.

    Yu Ishigami

    INTP (6w5)

    Yu Ishigami personality type is INTP, and he is a professional gamer with a strong interest in games and the way they are played. To him, life was simply a game. He was a pioneer in the online gaming industry and was instrumental in the creation of the first e-sports league. Playing video games was a passion of his and he would do anything to win. Playing video games with friends was more important to him than with his family. He may appear to be a very introverted person, but he is actually an extrovert that prefers to play alone. He is very good at manipulating other people into doing what he wants, and he is willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goals. He has an abrasive attitude and will do whatever it takes to achieve his objective. He is also very stubborn and will not back down from an argument, even if he knows he is wrong. He takes pride in his work and will not give up until he has achieved his goal. He is extremely intelligent and knows how to use language to his advantage. However, he can be very arrogant and thinks he knows everything about everything. He can be very egocentric and can be quite insensitive to other people’s feelings.

    Ishigami is a reserved and somewhat gloomy student who would rarely show up to the student council meetings, preferring to do most of his work at home. He normally spends most of his time playing video games by himself, as he is generally be disliked by the other students due to an incident that occurred in his past.

    Ishigami has an incredibly cynical and depressing outlook on life, often going on long rants against youth and the other students who he refers to as “normies”. This discontent very obviously comes from his own misery and loneliness as he seems very jealous of the guys who are popular and manage to get themselves a girlfriend. Ishigami can be quite awkward at times, making statements that cause others to see him as a creep. That being said, he is quite snarky and is often the one to make sarcastic remarks pertaining to the situations he gets in.

    Despite his negative attitude, Ishigami is a kind and well-meaning student who suffers an inferiority complex.

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