Personality List

    Kevin O'Leary Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kevin O'Leary? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kevin O'Leary from Business and what is the personality traits.

    Kevin O'Leary

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Kevin O'Leary personality type is ESTJ, the idealist.

    Competitive, driven, and goal-oriented, ESTJs are the life of the party, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

    "Competing is their way of life. They are constantly striving to win, to be the best, the toughest, or the most useful," say experts.

    "Competition is an important part of their lives, but they are also very driven people who are used to working hard. They are constantly striving to succeed."

    To be successful, ESTJs should always be seeking out facts to back up their decisions, says experts.

    "They are driven by facts and data. They don't do well with opinions or personal experiences," say experts.

    "ESTJs are often drawn to careers that involve data analysis, such as engineering or accounting."

    ESTJs can often be found at the top of the corporate ladder or in the boardroom, says experts.

    "They are often drawn to careers that involve data analysis, such as engineering or accounting. They are also drawn to positions of leadership, where they can direct and guide others. ESTJs crave the limelight."

    Terence Thomas Kevin O'Leary (born 9 July 1954) is an Irish Canadian businessman, author and television personality. He co-founded O'Leary Funds and SoftKey. From 2004-14, he appeared on various Canadian television shows, including the business news programmes SqueezePlay and The Lang and O'Leary Exchange, as well as the reality television shows Dragons' Den, Redemption Inc., and Shark Tank.

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