Personality List

    Thiago Nigro (o Primo Rico) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Thiago Nigro (o Primo Rico)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Thiago Nigro (o Primo Rico) from Business and what is the personality traits.

    Thiago Nigro (o Primo Rico)

    ENTJ (3w2)

    Thiago Nigro (o Primo Rico) personality type is ENTJ, the ENTJ personality type is the first personality type in the ENTJ personality type-theory. ENTJs are known as “the executive” personality type and are most likely to be found in higher positions of management.

    ENTJs are known for their vision and their ability to not only see the bigger picture, but also for seeing how to get things done. ENTJs are known for their ability to get people to do what they want them to do and are often the ones that are able to get the most done in a short amount of time while also being able to complete everything they set out to accomplish.

    They are often considered the most “driven” of all personality types, meaning they will often see a goal and then set out immediately to achieve it. They are known for seeing the bigger picture and are often able to see how something can be made better than anyone else can see it. ENTJs may appear as if they work very hard, but in reality they work hard by using their imagination and creativity to work out the details that would usually be overlooked.

    ENTJs are known for being very confident and their ability to have high self-esteem.

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