Personality List

    Onodera Punpun Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Onodera Punpun? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Onodera Punpun from Oyasumi Punpun and what is the personality traits.

    Onodera Punpun

    INTP (5w4)

    Onodera Punpun personality type is INTP, the Rationals. She is a master of finding the particular particular stuff out about a person. She also loves to give people advice. And she can be a bit of a perfectionist, but only to the point where she doesn't give up. She is truly a nice girl and a good friend.

    In manga form, Inoue Punpun is a girl who doesn't really have much going on up until the very end of the series. But she is a much more interesting character. She is a much more serious person and doesn't really have a lot of the typical "moe" traits that a lot of characters have. She is much more analytical and much more serious. She doesn't have much emotion. She just has a lot of logic.

    In anime form, Inoue Punpun is much less developed as a character as she was in manga. In fact, she is still very much the same as she was in manga. In anime form, Inoue Punpun is shown as more of an enigma and we aren't given very many moments with her.

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