Personality List

    Choker Boy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Choker Boy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Choker Boy from Killing Stalking and what is the personality traits.

    Choker Boy

    ESFP (4w3)

    Choker Boy personality type is ESFP, or Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving.

    Chokers are very talkative. They love to tell stories. They are excited to be alive and are very sensitive to the feelings of others. They are also very aware of the emotions of other people.

    While they are usually seen as sensitive, they are also very determined. They are often driven to do things that scare other people.

    They are often very competitive. They are usually driven to work even harder than other people. They are often driven to do things that seem really hard.

    They often have very high energy levels. They love being around people, especially other Chokers. They are often very popular because of this.

    Chokers can often be very moody. Their moods change daily. They are often told that they are too emotional, or that they should be more rational.

    They are often called weird by other people. They are often seen as “dramatic” or “emotional” by other people.

    They are often seen as “crazy” by other people. They are often accused of being crazy because of their moody behavior.

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