Personality List

    Number Four “Klaus Hargreeves” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Number Four “Klaus Hargreeves”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Number Four “Klaus Hargreeves” from The Umbrella Academy 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    Number Four “Klaus Hargreeves”

    ENTP (7w6)

    Number Four “Klaus Hargreeves” personality type is ENTP, who is a rare personality type, with only 1.4% of the population being an ENTP.

    Klaus Hargreeves is portrayed by Steve Coogan in the 2004 film version of the television series, and by Hargreeves himself in the 2005 film “My Name Is Hargreeves”.

    Klaus Hargreeves, the ENTP personality type, is an inventor, scientist, and inventor of the Hargreeves Institute, a place to research inventions. He is also said to be a genius, but will not admit it. He becomes obsessed with inventing things in order to impress women, in an attempt to buy their attention. He is described as being quite cocky in his attitude when he first appears.

    Klaus seems to have a fondness for blondes, which leads to his romantic interest in Gretchen. The two are often seen together in the show’s end credits.

    Klaus has a brother named Frederick Hargreeves who is portrayed by Alec Newman in the television series, and by Hans Kummel in the film.

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