Personality List

    Phyllis Lapin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Phyllis Lapin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Phyllis Lapin from The Office 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Phyllis Lapin

    ISFJ (2w1)

    Phyllis Lapin personality type is ISFJ, which means that she is an Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging type. [More about this type here.]

    Where she differs from other ISFJs is that she is both an ENTJ and an INFJ. This is a rare combination. ENTJs are known for their vision and leadership, and INFJs are known for their intuition and empathy.

    So, if you’re trying to get to know her better, we may be able to help. We can describe her to you and help you understand who she is and how she might influence others. But, we can’t guarantee that we can predict anything about her future behavior or success.

    Not that we would ever try. We don’t predict the future; we help it get better.

    Let’s go back to the beginning. Phyllis Lapin (and all of the people we profile on the site) is a real person. She wasn’t born with any special qualities or talents. She did not grow up to become a famous entrepreneur or a famous artist or a famous writer — none of which she has ever wanted to be.

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