Personality List

    Kita Shinsuke Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kita Shinsuke? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kita Shinsuke from Haikyuu and what is the personality traits.

    Kita Shinsuke

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Kita Shinsuke personality type is ISTJ, making him the most logical of the bunch. ISTJs are very good at organizing and maintaining routines and schedules, especially on a big scale like at a corporation or government. They are excellent at planning and scheduling events and meetings, and are good planners in general. They can be very hard-working; ISTJs are driven to succeed and work hard to achieve that success. ISTJs are also naturally mature for their age, and are very responsible. They can be very reliable, and rarely make mistakes. ISTJs are good at following orders, and are naturally good with details. They are also naturally loyal; they will do anything to protect their loved ones or follow orders. ISTJs are also highly self-disciplined, and often follow the rules to the letter. ISTJs are also very good with people, and can be very helpful.They are usually very loyal to their loved ones, and will do anything to protect them. They protect their loved ones with great care, and will even work harder than they need to to do so. ISTJs also have a sense of obligation to their loved ones that is greater than for anyone else. They work hard to provide for their loved ones, and will do anything for them.

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