Personality List

    Yahaba Shigeru Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yahaba Shigeru? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yahaba Shigeru from Haikyuu and what is the personality traits.

    Yahaba Shigeru

    ESFJ (1w2)

    Yahaba Shigeru personality type is ESFJ, ENFJ, and ISTJ respectively. He is in the in the Japanese company Square Enix and is in charge of the marketing and development of all their games and franchises. He is also the producer of the Kingdom Hearts series and is in charge of the creation of all the Disney characters in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

    Shigeru Matsuzuka was born in Kyoto, Japan on the 23rd October 1963. He is married to his wife, Akiko and has two children, a son named Yuta and a daughter named Hana. His hobbies include watching anime and reading manga.

    He used to work in the advertising agency, Dentsu and was responsible for creating and managing all their advertising campaigns. He left Dentsu to become the director of Square Enix and has been working at the company ever since.

    He has won multiple awards including; Best Director for the Kingdom Hearts series at the Game Developers Choice Awards.

    The Kingdom Hearts series is one of the most successful video game franchises in history and has sold over 100 million copies worldwide since its release in the year 2002.

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