Personality List

    Saika Gasai Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Saika Gasai? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Saika Gasai from Mirai Nikki and what is the personality traits.

    Saika Gasai

    ISFJ (1w2)

    Saika Gasai personality type is ISFJ, the caring and friendly type who makes a great friend and great caretaker, but can be a little too over-indulgent and clingy, and is therefore more of a challenge than they initially appear. The Seika and Seiyu and Gasai sisters are all the same person, and that's why people say that they look so much alike.

    Gasai Hikari personality type is INTP, the logical type who loves to learn and always has a plan for everything.

    Hikari is also an INTP, but is also more of a Saika-ish type, and her personality is very similar to her sister's. Her ability is based on "light," and she is able to use this power in many ways, such as healing and purification.

    Seika and Seiyu (gasai and yukihime) and Hikari (inuchiyo) were all created by the yukihime character when she used her powers to become Queen.

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