Personality List

    Delta (Velociraptor) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Delta (Velociraptor)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Delta (Velociraptor) from Jurassic Park Jurassic World Film Franchise and what is the personality traits.

    Delta (Velociraptor)

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Delta (Velociraptor) personality type is ESTJ, and the best way to demonstrate this is to start a fight with a stranger in a crowded public place.

    In this section, we will review the ESTP’s life from beginning to end. We will begin with their strengths and weaknesses, discuss their everyday type of interactions, and finish with a discussion of their love life.

    ESTP’s Strengths

    ESTP’s have a lot going for them in terms of strength and weaknesses. They have a natural charisma and confidence that can put their opponents at ease, and a wild energy that keeps them going.

    Whereas ISFPs may be shy and withdrawn, SPs tend to be at ease in public, and can even be playful in a crowd if that is their style. There is a part of ESTPs that wants to be in control of things, and they can be very domineering when they want to be. They love the feeling of being the boss.

    They believe in freedom and spontaneity, and their natural impulsiveness can make them dangerous in a fight if they are not careful.

    Delta was a Velociraptor that was trained along with the rest of her pack by Owen Grady. She is known for being responsible for the death of Vic Hoskins. She's the second oldest of the four raptors.

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