Personality List

    Dr. Henry Wu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dr. Henry Wu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dr. Henry Wu from Jurassic Park Jurassic World Film Franchise and what is the personality traits.

    Dr. Henry Wu

    INTP (3w4)

    Dr. Henry Wu personality type is INTP, but his type isn't grey. It's white. Like the White Hat in the Black Hat/White Hat movie.The black hat says "What's the grin for?" The white hat says "I'm just happy to be alive."

    Anonymous Coward

    User ID: 789384

    United States

    02/02/2010 11:38 AM

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    Report Copyright Violation Re: I think i found Dr. Henry Wu's type... ...

    Yes, one of his enemies must have been the White Hat, the one who was trying to stop all the other people from being so cruel to their enemies. That's why he gets so mad at them.

    But I'm not sure what it means that Dr. Wu gets so angry at them. Maybe he knows that he is kind of like the White Hat? Maybe that's why he's got that anger problem?

    I think I found his type. I don't think it's a ST, because it's not grey, but it's not a INTP either, because it's not white.And I think it's a TI.

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