Personality List

    Astranova Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Astranova? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Astranova from Monster High 2010 and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (2w1)

    Astranova personality type is INTP, which doesn't tell you very much; it's like saying...

    “Hey, I'm the kind of person who's...”

    “Oh, like me? Cool.”

    But then if you go into my personality type, it says that I am an INTJ, which is very different. It's not even close to my personality.

    The thing is, this personality type is just a lens through which you view the world. We're all different. We all have our own worldview. Just because someone says they are an INTP doesn't mean there's not some other part of their personality that is very different than what they say about their personality type.

    But let's look at the personality types for the other people on the podcast.

    Matt is an INTP. He has a very different view of the world than I do. He has a very different way of explaining things. We can both be right, but he's got a completely different lens through which he looks at the world.

    And that's what's very cool about Myers-Briggs.

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