Personality List

    Avea Trotter Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Avea Trotter? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Avea Trotter from Monster High 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Avea Trotter

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Avea Trotter personality type is ISTJ, which is the Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging type. These are the four letters of the alphabet that give us the basics of an MBTI personality type. The ISTJ personality type is the most common MBTI personality type in the United States, accounting for approximately two-thirds of all people that take the test. The ISTJ personality type is known for its structured, logical, and practical approach to life, which is evident in both their academic pursuits and their careers. ISTJs are exceptionally good at prioritizing their time and accomplishing tasks through careful planning. They are also known for being very organized, detail-oriented, and careful.

    “I always have a plan for what I’m doing.” – Dave Trotter

    ISTJs are quiet introverts who are often described as “by-the-book” or “by-the-numbers” individuals. While they appear shy at first glance, they are very quiet and reserved unless they strike up a conversation with someone they have just met. Though they are quiet and reserved, they are driven by an inner drive to succeed. This can be seen in their career choices or their academic achievements.

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