Personality List

    The Woodchuck Bully Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Woodchuck Bully? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Woodchuck Bully from Zootopia 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    The Woodchuck Bully

    ESTP (6w7)

    The Woodchuck Bully personality type is ENTP, and they are characterized by the following:

    Eloquent and manipulative, they use their words to win others over.

    They have a tendency to be highly sensitive, with a keen awareness of what is going on around them.

    They are prone to constant change, and will adapt to almost any situation.

    They can be very charming and talkative, but do not like to be tied down by commitments.

    They are rational and logical, but often get bored easily.

    They enjoy being around friends but may not be too loyal.

    They are creative, but can also be quite impulsive and self-indulgent.

    They may have mood swings, and are prone to depression or anxiety.

    They take life pretty seriously, but do not take themselves too seriously.

    They often have difficulty with empathy, but have a generous side.

    They have a great sense of humor and can make people laugh.

    Easy going, they are usually well-liked by most.

    The Woodchuck Bully Personality Type is one of the more difficult types to relate to because they are not easy to understand.

    The Woodchuck bully is a young male woodchuck briefly seen in Zootopia. He is a member of the Junior Ranger Scouts and appears to be the ringleader of the group.

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