Personality List

    Major Friedkin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Major Friedkin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Major Friedkin from Zootopia 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    Major Friedkin

    ESTJ (8w9)

    Major Friedkin personality type is ESTJ, which means that he is the type that prefers the inner feeling, rather than the outer appearance. When getting ready for a date, he likes to look his best. He is not good at expressing his feelings, however, he can be emotional. He is not very social, but prefers to stay away from the crowd. He has great respect for authority and enjoys being in the shadow of someone bigger than himself.

    When it comes to money, he is practical and frugal. He is an excellent business man, when it comes to attention to detail, and is somewhat unenthusiastic when it comes to people. He likes to organize life in an orderly fashion. He does not like to talk about his innermost feelings and prefers to keep them hidden in his heart. He is not very social and prefers to be alone in his own thoughts.

    Being in the shadow of someone bigger than himself, he is always in need of approval and approval can be obtained easily in his home country. The more powerful someone is, the more approval he receives.

    Love is not important to him; however, he is always prepared to help his loved ones when they need it.

    Major Friedkin is a female polar bear and a minor character in Zootopia. She is the trainer and instructor of the Zootopia Police Academy.

    Friedkin appears to be fairly passionate and loud, employing emotive language and low-level insults for the duration of the most of the sequence; however, in the end of the sequence, she appears proud of Judy's progress.

    The Major is only seen in the beginning while Judy Hopps is training to become a police officer, consistently criticizing her for a perceived lack of ability and shouting demeaning names.

    However, Judy is seen improving greatly, and soon becomes top of her class after doing intensive personal training. The Major becomes impressed with the rabbit's improvements.

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