Personality List

    Chachamaru Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chachamaru? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chachamaru from Kimetsu No Yaiba and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (6w7)

    Chachamaru personality type is ENFP, which means she's a "neutrally energized," "confident," and "open," all of which align with the ENFP personality type. Chachamaru is a very energetic and emotionally driven person, who can be a bit loquacious at times. She's a bit of a romantic, which is why she's a gamer. She loves to play games, and she loves to talk about them, but she'll take things much further than most people. In the case of the game, she's been known to go "hunting" in order to find rare items in the game. There's been a couple of times when she's gotten herself in a position where she was in danger just to get a rare item for a character.

    As far as her personality outside of gaming, Chachamaru is a pretty lively, energetic person who just loves to have fun. She's very motivated and always has a positive attitude. She's always ready to help her friends, and she'll do anything she can to help them out. But she doesn't want anyone to feel bad for her, so she'll offer up an explanation for anything that might have been perceived as her being down.

    Chachamaru (茶ちゃ々ちゃ丸まる, Chachamaru?) is a feline familiar that assists in Tamayo's medical research with Demon blood.

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