Personality List

    Suzaku Kururugi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Suzaku Kururugi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Suzaku Kururugi

    ISFJ (1w2)

    Suzaku Kururugi personality type is ISFJ, which means he is an Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging personality type.

    ISFJ personality types are described as cool, calm, and collected, but also dependable and serious. They are very gentle people who are very loyal to those they trust. ISFJs are more likely than other personality types to believe that you can trust someone with their heart.

    ISFJs are generally more reserved than other personality types. While they are not very outgoing, they are more likely than other personality types to act more like an observer than someone who is actively involved in the social process.

    ISFJs are extremely loyal to those they trust, but they often need feedback about how they are doing. They need to know that they are doing things right in order to feel good about themselves.

    ISFJs are usually more comfortable with logic than with intuition. They can be very practical people, but they can also be extremely idealistic. ISFJs are very loyal to their friends, and they enjoy helping people out of the goodness of their hearts.

    ISFJs are somewhat self-critical, but they will usually not criticize others in an effort to make themselves look better.

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