Personality List

    Happy Raven (pink) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Happy Raven (pink)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Happy Raven (pink) from Teen Titans 2003 and what is the personality traits.

    Happy Raven (pink)

    ENFP (7w6)

    Happy Raven (pink) personality type is ENFP, or Entertainer.

    My mother is Entertainer, and she was the kind of mom that kept you laughing all the time. She was also very intuitive, sensitive to how I was feeling, and had a great intuition for what I was thinking.

    This year I will be taking my place in the Entertainer personality type circle of life.

    ENFPs make great actors, comedians, writers, artists, singers, and anything that requires creativity. They are extremely imaginative and fun loving. They are artistic and gentle, and they like to break things down to their core parts, but they are sensitive and feel things deeply. They love to create beautiful things, and they can become easily frustrated when they can’t get their way or when they can’t get their creative ideas out in the world.

    The ENFP personality type is the most creative personality type. They are often driven to be creative, they are often driven to have fun, they are often driven to be happy. They are often driven to create.

    ENFPs are also often driven to help others. They are often driven to teach people how to be happy.

    The Pink Version is the embodiment of Raven's happiness. She is quite expressive and cheerful. The Pink Version debuted when Beast Boy and Cyborg thought they were falling to their death. But the ground was upside-down, so they landed painfully, which gave her a laugh. She is more playful than the real Raven, and she seems to enjoy Beast Boy's company (ironically the feeling is not mutual with him). Her domain was the pink forest with yellow skies, pink clouds and floating strawberries.

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