Personality List

    Red X Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Red X? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Red X from Teen Titans 2003 and what is the personality traits.

    Red X

    ISTP (7w8)

    Red X personality type is ISTP, which is a combination of Introverted, Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving. The type of a person who has two or more of these functions.

    How do I know whether I am an INTP or an INTJ?

    Here are some of the key characteristics of INTPs (or those with an INTPlike personality):

    Introverted: They don’t need to talk very much in order to be understood. They are not big on social situations. They want to be alone. They want to be able to take their time and think about things.

    They don’t need to talk very much in order to be understood. They are not big on social situations. They want to be alone. They want to be able to take their time and think about things. Sensing: They have a very good sense of what is happening around them and they are good at sensing emotions and other people’s feelings.

    They have a very good sense of what is happening around them and they are good at sensing emotions and other people’s feelings.

    The new X's personality is a near-complete opposite of Robin's: he claims to be a thief who is "just looking out for number one", stealing purely for his own gain. He is far less serious than Robin (to the point of commenting that Robin is "taking life way too seriously"), finding his battle with the Titans amusing and voicing numerous quips as he immobilizes them with his gadgets (though when push comes to shove, he too, can be serious). He also flirted with Starfire on one occasion, indicating that he and Robin both share similar tastes when it comes to girls (though it might also be an example of his flippant sense of humor). He is also quite bold: while being confronted by Robin in the Zynothium vault, he threatened to "trip the power core" of his suit, and cause an explosion, despite the obvious fact that he would be disintegrated in the process. Also, when revealing his motives to Robin, he claims to be "not such a bad guy, once [he] gets to know [him]".

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