Personality List

    Gabi DeMartino Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gabi DeMartino? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gabi DeMartino from Health Food Beauty Fashion & Lifestyle and what is the personality traits.

    Gabi DeMartino

    ESFP (3w2)

    Gabi DeMartino personality type is ESFJ, and she's very logical and practical. She's a people pleaser and wants to make everyone happy, and she wants to earn everyone's respect. She's not a very independent person, and she tries really hard to keep the peace in the family. She's super organized and makes sure her family has everything they need. She's very loyal to her friends and family, and she's the kind of person who'd do anything for her friends. She'd do anything for her family and friends. She's not very opinionated and wants everyone to just be happy and get along. She doesn't like conflict and wants everything to be peaceful and perfect. She's not a very empathetic person and doesn't like to just see problems all the time, and she likes to just ignore things. She does her best to make everyone happy and look out for their needs, but she doesn't like conflict.

    Gabi DeMartino is an American YouTuber, singer, actress and social media star. She's best known for her fashion, beauty and lifestyle videos. Gabi's YouTube channel 'Fancy Vlogs By Gab' has 2.4+ million subscribers and 245+ million views. She's one-half “Niki and Gabi” with another 7.3+ million subscribers.

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