Personality List

    Jackie (NerdECrafter) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jackie (NerdECrafter)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jackie (NerdECrafter) from Health Food Beauty Fashion & Lifestyle and what is the personality traits.

    Jackie (NerdECrafter)

    ESTJ (6w5)

    Jackie (NerdECrafter) personality type is ESTJ, which means that she is a “stoic” type of ENTP.

    In this book, she describes how she was a shy child who had a lot of trouble making friends. She eventually learned to overcome her social anxiety and developed a number of interesting coping mechanisms.

    In the book, she describes her type as being “introverted, focused, and logical”. She also mentions that she is a “loner” and a “follower”. This is very similar to some of the descriptions of the ESTJ character in the book.

    How does this relate to ENTP?

    If you look at the description of ENTPs presented by Gregory Bateson in Mind and Nature, you will see some similarities to the descriptions in this book. In particular, Bateson describes ENTPs as being:

    “Intellectual… [they] perceive the world from abstractions instead of from concrete particulars. [They] are rational and logical but not bound by rationality and logic. [They] can be very objective and detached and yet subjective and emotional.” (Bateson, p. 29)

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