Personality List

    Kennedy Walsh Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kennedy Walsh? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kennedy Walsh from Health Food Beauty Fashion & Lifestyle and what is the personality traits.

    Kennedy Walsh

    ISFP (4w5)

    Kennedy Walsh personality type is ISFP, the artist. The ISFP prefers to express their qualities through art, music, and words. The ISFP has an artistic view of the world, has creative ideas, and is often playful. They are also very creative and imaginative, and could be considered to be very “out there!” They prefer to express themselves through things like sketching, drawing, painting, poetry, dancing, singing, and writing songs. They are actually known to use their artistic abilities to help them create beautiful things like clothing, jewelry, furniture, art work, etc.

    ISFPs are also very imaginative people. They can see things that others can’t see; therefore, they are often called the “visionaries” of society. ISFPs use their imagination to create things that people can use like clothing, jewelry, furniture, art work, etc.

    ISFPs are charming people who can make anyone feel good. They are also great listeners; they will listen to other people’s problems and try to be helpful. They are warm people who can make anyone feel comfortable. They are also great at making friends and being supportive of friends.

    Born: 5th of January 2000

    She's making YouTube videos mostly about her makeovers and recreating celebrities' famous photos. She started her channel in May 2018 and after 10 months she gained almost 1 million subscribers.

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