Personality List

    Pat Condell Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pat Condell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pat Condell from Social Cultural & Political Commentators and what is the personality traits.

    Pat Condell

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Pat Condell personality type is ESTJ, the type that works best when it is surrounded by others who are like them. This is the type that is most comfortable in the company of family, friends, and peers. They tend to be a little more reserved than their other personality counterparts and don’t tend to talk as much on the job. They love to be around people and enjoy talking with them. They are usually good team players and do their best to bring everyone up to a certain standard.

    The most important characteristic of an ESTJ is the ability to work well and connect with people. They are the type that can make others feel at ease and make a great first impression – but only for a short time. They are very good at giving constructive criticism and have the ability to give others useful advice, but they are also quick to criticize flaws and is not afraid of saying what needs to be said. They can model the perfect employee, but they can also be very manipulative at work and will use their position to gain promotion or power over others.

    The ESTJ personality is a perfectionist and does not suffer from procrastination very much.

    Patrick Condell (born 23 November 1949) is a British writer, polemicist, former stand-up comedian & YouTube-based political commentator.

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