Personality List

    Félix Lengyel (xQc) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Félix Lengyel (xQc)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Félix Lengyel (xQc) from Gaming and what is the personality traits.

    Félix Lengyel (xQc)

    ENFP (7w6)

    Félix Lengyel (xQc) personality type is ENFP, which is the character type that is most like to be a psychopath (Jared Leto and his band Thirty Seconds to Mars, for example).

    The most positive Reddit user is the user name /u/SonOfNerdcubed, with a rating of 25. The most negative Reddit user is the user name /u/Hiram_Fucking_Shitt, with a rating of -50.

    The best user name according to the /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuudddd subreddit is /u/Sharklov3. It has an overall rating of 30, good enough to be the overall top-rated user. The worst user name according to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuudddd is /u/Hiram_Fucking_Shitt, with a rating of -50.

    The most positive Reddit user is the user name /u/HossGross, with a rating of 25. The most negative Reddit user is the user name /u/Clydas, with a rating of -25.

    Félix Lengyel (born November 12, 1995), better known by his online alias xQc or xQcOW, is a Canadian professional Overwatch player and Twitch streamer who played the main tank position for the Dallas Fuel in the Overwatch League for part of the inaugural season, before being released due to repeated controversy. He later joined Gladiators Legion, an Overwatch Contenders team affiliated with Overwatch League's Los Angeles Gladiators, as a substitute Main Tank. xQc has also played in the Overwatch World Cup as the main tank for Team Canada in 2017 and 2018. He now mostly plays a variety of games on Twitch.

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