Personality List

    Boro Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boro? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boro from Boruto Naruto Next Generations and what is the personality traits.


    ENFJ (8w9)

    Boro personality type is ENFJ, and this is my interpretation of them:

    ENFJs love people and want to be of service and they tend to be very warm and friendly towards others, and we can often find them helping others and often at the expense of themselves, but in my opinion it's not a bad thing. ENFJs are highly motivated to help others and they like to be of service and feel they can make a difference, and this can often lead them into the wrong areas. Being highly motivated to help others is a good thing, but when you get into areas that you don't really know about or that you feel like you know more about than you actually do, it can be a problem. ENFJs can sometimes choose to be of service and put their own needs aside to help others which can make them feel like we don't really matter and we can feel neglected. They can often feel like we don't really matter and that we're just there for their gratification. ENFJs can feel that we're just there for them to help, that we're just a means to an end. This is not accurate, however, because we're not just there for them to help us, we're there to help them too.

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