Personality List

    Saiko Mene Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Saiko Mene? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Saiko Mene from Gaming and what is the personality traits.

    Saiko Mene

    ISTP (9w8)

    Saiko Mene personality type is ISTP, meaning he is a self-confident, self-reliant, and a decisive person. He is a strict type of a person who can be a bit brutal at times, but he also has a soft side to him as well. He is a very mysterious character who loves to have a good laugh. In the anime he looks almost identical to his manga counterpart.

    Shiroe as a male

    Shiroe as a male

    Shiroe's gender is unknown. It's widely believed that Shiroe is a man, however, Shiroe has never stated this in the game or anime. No official statement has ever been made on this matter.

    His hair color varies between the Light Novels and the Anime. The Light Novels shows him with reddish hair, while the Anime version of Shiroe has black hair.


    Shiroe (Light Novel) Shiroe (Anime) Shiroe (Manga) Shiroe (Manga) Shiroe (Light Novel) Shiroe (Light Novel)

    Rodrigo Ximenes, also known as Saiko, is a Brazilian youtuber from Fortaleza - Ceará and ex-administrator and content creator for the facebook page Menes Suecos (hence Mene in his nickname)

    He posted his first video on August, 24th, 2013.

    He used to make gameplay videos on his first channel, called Saikanagem (Later changed to Saiko), and switched to animation story-time videos between 2016-2019, in the meantime he created another channel called "Saiko Joga" (Saiko Plays, in english) to upload his gameplays, in 2020, he abandoned his story-time videos and switched Saiko Joga's content to a more entertainment focused and heavily edited, not always about games, videos and created another channel to record and upload his gameplays called "kksaiko". He also used to host the podcast Quase Meia Noite (Almost MIdnight, in english). He is now part of the JogandoFoddaci channel

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