Personality List

    King Harald V of Norway Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of King Harald V of Norway? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for King Harald V of Norway from Royal Family World and what is the personality traits.

    King Harald V of Norway

    INFJ (2w3)

    King Harald V of Norway personality type is INFJ, which is the rarest personality type.

    The INFJ personality type makes up 2.5% of the world's population. This personality type is the rarest personality type, which means they make up 0.1% of all Personality Type Enneagram types. INFJs are considered to be the most introverted personality type, which means they need time alone to recharge their batteries and think through their approach to problem-solving.

    INFJs are known for their keen observation skills, which they use to figure out what is wrong with a situation in order to fix it. This is in contrast to most other personality types, who tend to be more reactive in that they go into "fight-or-flight" mode when they see something wrong in the world. INFJs are also known for their ability to see all sides of an issue, which they believe is the only way to find the best solution.

    INFJs are often seen as "Type As" or "Type A" personalities because of their need for perfection, their tendency toward perfectionism, and their dislike of people who don't meet their expectations.

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