Personality List

    Luka Urushibara Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Luka Urushibara? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Luka Urushibara from Steins Gate and what is the personality traits.

    Luka Urushibara

    ISFJ (2w1)

    Luka Urushibara personality type is ISFJ, and the other is INTJ.

    As a result, you're fed up with his shit and can't stand his bullshit anymore.

    He will always be bolting out of the kitchen for no reason, and blaming you for it. You can't stand it any longer and throw a tantrum. You will stay in a room all day, refusing to talk to anyone because Luka is too much of a jerk. You will be in a bad mood for a long time after this shitfest.

    Luka is a horrible person. He will always be an asshole no matter if he changes. If he changes, then you will have to deal with his shitstorm of a personality at least 3 times a week.

    He'll be much better when he becomes more mature, but I wouldn't trust him when he becomes a teenager. He'll still be an immature asshole no matter what.

    I only really hate Luka's personality type, because the other personality types are actually good people who don't deserve to have a shitty personality like Luka.

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